Sunday, July 15, 2012

Learning Old Tricks (Refocusing & Getting Deep on Sunday Morning)

Listen. We all have our moments. This summer has been my "moment".

I've slacked off big time.

I run less than twice a week. (normally 5x or more)
I eat about 4 salads a week. (normally 12 or more)
My days lack, what I call 'purpose'.

I'm really struggling & I don't know why. My drive for exercise and big, leafy, green, meals has dissipated.

My weight has fluctuated like crazy and my need for a daily routine ran off about 6 weeks ago.

My sleep routine....HA. What sleep routine? I have nights where I fall asleep at 8pm and wake up at 7am. And then there were nights, like last night, where I didn't fall asleep until 1:30am but was up, chipper as a bird, at 6 am.


And the headaches. Before I I haven't had any migraines...yet. And praise God for that because with the way I've been slacking off, I probably deserve one. They're just little headaches when I first wake up. I keep attributing it to my pillows, or the way I slept, which is often true because HONEEYYY, WE NEED NEW PILLOWS! (these are the same pillows I used as a 10 year old). --But let be real's your eating habits. And your lack of exercise. And the fact that you skip meals. Be honest with yourself.--

This is probably why I haven't blogged very much. There's nothing to write about. No new meals. No new exercise routines. No drive. No excitement. And it's really pissing me off.

So, here's the plan. I'm re-reading Eat to Live. The passion for healthy eating I felt while reading that book is indescribable. Hopefully by going back and refreshing my memory of the reason I did this in the first place I can jump back on this train to healthy-town because I really don't like this dump I'm existing in right now.

I'm also writing up a daily routine. And following it. Lists and schedules are a huge help for me and so, by creating a daily routine and sticking to it for at least 2 weeks, I should be back to my normal self.

With all of that said. Wish me luck. I need the encouragement. From what some of you have told me, I've been a huge help for you in eating better and trying to live a healthier life.  Now I need your encouragement (pleaaaseee)!  I'm begging.

I know I can do this.

And since I got way too deep on a Sunday morning, here's a ridiculously stupid video of one of my dog's trying to get her toy off the hammock. But wait for the end, because she proves she's not so stupid after all by pulling the hammock back and punching the toy with her nose to bounce it off.

Here's to you Rita, because if a dog can teach herself a new trick in 40 seconds, I can re-teach myself the same old tricks I did for over a year in a couple of weeks.



  1. Lacey~ I have full confidence you can get back to where you were. Lists and routines are awesome and that is how I make myself stick to a healthy lifestyle. Hugs!

  2. I'm joining your club! Time to get back on track. I was amazeballs with eating and running before the wedding -- but after 3 weeks of asian food, I have totally been indulging in my favorite American fatty foods and haven't been able to run. I think this motivation issue is something we all face every month every year. Looking forward to getting back on track with you Lacey!! XO SH
