Friday, October 21, 2011

SH Running Challenge > Week 3

 SH Running Challenge > Week 3 > Monday 10/17 - Friday 10/21

I am stoked that I have not been as sore as I was the first weeks when I was running. I'm enjoying it more now, and even looking forward to pushing myself a little harder. Even though I was terrified at first, I feel great and excited I'm overcoming this year!

> Any tips as I start running for longer periods of time next week? I have a killer playlist, great running shoes... I think I need to work on my breathing though!

Love running outside in beautiful fall weather!
  WEEK 3:

Monday - ~ I wasn't home to run, so I didn't. Still did stretches and walked around 2 miles throughout the day.

Tuesday - Take a 30 minute walk
~ Walking and stretches felt great! I was in a car all day on Monday and it felt good to stretch out!

First Rep: Run for 90 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds

Wednesday -
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:
Jog 90 seconds, Walk 90 seconds, Jog 3 minutes, Walk three minutes. + Stretch
~ Ahh - running for 3 minutes straight?! I was scurred at first but it felt real good! I did get some side cramps by minute 3, but by the end of the run I felt like a champ. (Haha don't judge - this is progress for me!!) 

Thursday - Take a 30 minute walk
~ I've been walking during the day and have also added in around 20 minutes of yoga/crunches/push-ups every night after I get home from work. Strength training is crucial and I had forgotten how much a few minutes of yoga can chill me out.

Second Rep: Run for 3 minutes, walk for 3 minutes
Friday - Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following: Jog 90 seconds, Walk 90 seconds, Jog 3 minutes, Walk three minutes. + Stretch
~ Feeling so much more confident going out on my runs now! Felt great the whole time, can run the whole 3 minutes without any side cramps now. It was hard to wake up this morning, but I'm glad I got out of bed and just ran. It woke me up and gave me a great start to my day. I like to feel accomplished before I even get to work - and running is doing the trick!

Haha yes - this is this morning. What would I do without my iPhone...
I really recommend this start slow and build up running program. The first weeks of starting slow really gave me confidence to continue without feeling overwhelmed or too exhausted.

Have a great weekend :)

- Stephanie

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